Friday, September 14, 2007

Married Life Vol. 1

I know I promised to post pictures of the ceremony but if you remember I went off on a tangent last Friday as well...

Anywho...Since I got married almost 2 weeks ago people won't stop with asking me the same question over and over again..."How's married life?"

My answer? Also, always the same, "I'll let you know when it hits me."

That's right hasn't hit me yet that I'm married. I mean, sure it's nice to not have to say the dreaded "Baby, it's time to take me home" sentence anymore. It's nice to fall asleep on the couch and have husband wake me up and carry (!) me to bed. It's nice waking up in the morning next to the man I's also nice to yell at my husband about Taco People.

Confused? Here's some insight into my brain. Sometimes I wake up from dreaming but think I'm still in the dream. I'll carry on conversations with no one and its only when my eyes fall on the alarm clock or another familiar object, that my brain registers the fact that I was still dreaming and that I need to go back to sleep. This phenomenon usually occurs when I'm excited about something. Like when I was in NYC the week before my wedding I had a dream and I remember sitting up in my bed talking on my cell phone to one of my friends about the wedding. We were planning her arrival, I believe. I finished my conversation and turned my phone off. A couple of seconds later I was becoming really frustrated b/c my phone wouldn't turn off and it was then I realized that the phone I was talking on? Turns out I had my comforter up to my ear. And turning that comforter phone off? I was hitting the comforter in my lap in an exasperated 'why won't this stupid phone turn off?'

Now these kinds of dreams have occurred all of my life. I'm quite used to them. Husband, though I have high hopes for the future,is not so used to them. Two nights ago he got home from work about the time I was going to bed. I told him not to stay up too late and to come to bed early since he had to work early the next morning. He swears that I was not in bed more than 45 minutes ahead of him but I was apparently already into my dream cycle...b/c when he came in I started talking to him about Taco People*. That my Taco People needed to meet his Taco People and so on and so forth. He was really confused and kept asking me what I meant and after clearly explaining to him that "MY Taco people needed to meet HIS Taco people" I realized what I was doing, yelled "I'm dreaming" into his face and rolled over and went back to sleep.

Welcome to married life y'all.


*To be fair to my subconscious...we had tacos for dinner that evening. I'm just saying*


Anonymous said...

Haha that's so cute. Michael was dreaming once and yelled out "with baseballs!!!"

I still won't let him live that down.

cmrpaul said...

Once I fell asleep on the couch watching TV with Ryan and I started dreaming about cheap tables that needed to be assembled and he said something to me and I said "I don't want to put them together right now." He was utterly confused.

And I will neh-ever forget that time Tif said (because I don't remember actually doing this) she came back to the dorm late one night and I sat straight up in bed as she opened the door and exclaimed "BEN?!?!?!!!" with a huge smile on my face but with eyes wide shut. She said "No, Cristin, it's Tif"... "BEN?!?!?!!!" "No, Ben will be here tomorrow" and I laid down and went back to sleep. lmao. I didn't know a Ben at that time and not for many, many years after that so I have NO idea where that came from but she never let me live it down.

Now that I'm married and also have all the responsibilities (stresses) of adult life, I sometimes have even stranger sleep stories--none that I actually remember. Quite often Matt will tell me that I was talking or mumbling in my sleep. He says sometimes I'll jerk and sit up in bed still sleeping. He used to wake up and ask what I was doing and then realize I was still sleeping and lay me back down. Now he just lays me back down and goes back to sleep. Once he said I sat up with eyes wide shut and started mumbling about nothing but apparently I took it very seriously whatever it was and he said he just hugged me and I went "Mmmm" and snuggled into his chest and laid back down. lol. Sleep is so good. And so funny.

Kim said...

Lol, that was great. After the day I've had I needed to read about Taco people!

A Margarita said...

HAHAHAHAHA! That was my afternoon chuckle. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall.

Littlespoon's Husband said...

Well, im glad everybody is getting a chuckle out of this, but I'M NOT!!! I got yelled out by her IN HER SLEEP!!! she didnt even the mention the part where she was talking about having to say thank you to someone for some board game! and when i asked her about it she just yelled at me and said, "You wouldn't understand! you're a BOY!" yeah, then the whole taco people incedent went down! NOT COOL! oh well, i love her anyway! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...gotta love them Taco people...

Paulette Foley said...

My EX husband rolled over in his sleep one night and gently rubbed my face...then asked, "what was your name again?"