Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Usually my mother and I drive into work together. Usually we don't get away with enough time to get to work on time and on rare occasions we actually get away early enough to not only gas up the guzzler but also purchase mass quantities of caffeine.

Well, in the past two weeks we have been able to purchase our extra large, extra caffeinated cappuccinos, 5, count them 5 times! That's like every other day. AND I AM LOVING IT! I've never realized what an effect caffeine has on me and if this pace keeps up it may start to have less and less an effect on me...but I'm hoping that never happens. I'm happier at work, I bounce off the walls, I think I annoy people in my caffeinated path, but I don't care...I'M AWAKE!

Which brings me to the reason why I wanted to write about coffee today...our barista. Now, my mother and I are not the sort of people who want to pay $3 for 8 ounces of, no. We want 24 ounces for $1.05 and that includes tax. So obviously we don't stop at Starbucks. Instead we stop at a gas station. This particular gas station, has its own coffee man. Yes, they've hired a man to stand in the coffee area all day. (to be fair, I don't know if it is all day or just for the morning rush) Regardless it is clear that this man has sampled every kind of coffee this place offers. And even clearer than that is that he samples every flavor, every morning. This man is seriously the point of annoyance. Honestly, sometimes I can't even understand what he's saying. He is like that squirrel from Hoodwinked or was it Over the Hedge? (both have crazy squirrels and I always get confused) This is how most days at the coffee station at the gas station go:


"Dude, it's early, back up off me and let me get my damn caffeine. Yes, I'm aware of where the lids are located and no, I don't want 2 for 1 muffins."

The only good thing about coffee man is...since he's always hovering you never have to worry about your cappuccino being watery b/c he's on it the minute he sees the 'levels are low' light.
And I enjoy that!

Have a caffeinated day everyone! :)


cmrpaul said...

Lmao at the gibberish line. That is classic.

A Margarita said...

Hehe, having enough time to grab coffee in the mornings makes the morning that much easier. Woot for caffeine!

Unknown said...

lmao, that's good shit. See i'm different, i always make time for caffeine in the morning. b/c there is no point in my going to work or class if I don't have my caffeine to keep me awake.

Anonymous said...

Ha. I am addicted to coffee. I agree, it does make the day seem much happier.